By default, ONT is enabled in HGU mode (new ONT taken out from the box). If OLT does not support auto-switching, to change mode You should go to ONT web interface from IP-host 1 address or LAN IP Next, You should go to Access Management -> Service-mode, select proper mode and click “Confirm” button. After that ONT will restarts, when he turn on, new configuration will be applied.
Firmware V2.0.X
Firmware V3.X.X, V4.0.X
Changing mode through OLT CLI interface
NOTE: The operating mode is an important setting that it must be a conscious change, carried out by the administrator. ONT won’t switch back to HGU mode after restore to factory process (through the button, OLT CLI command and WWW interface), to return previous mode You need to change it through web interface or use correct profile in OLT configuration (if OLT supports this function – see list above)
When OLT supports auto mode switching, to switch mode You need only assign a correct profile to ONT. The device automatically sets the correct mode and restarts.
When You use auto mode switching on NOKIA OLTs You need except changing configuration, also restart ONT or change port admin-state, below an example for ONT 16 connected to port 1: configure equipment ont interface 1/1/1/1/16 admin-state down configure equipment ont interface 1/1/1/1/16 admin-state up
When You use auto mode switching on Huawei OLTs You need except changing configuration, also restart or reactivate ONT, below an example for ONT 5 connected to port 0/2: MA5683T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont reset 2 5 Resetting the ONT(s) will interrupt all services on the ONT(s) Are you sure to reset the ONT(s)? (y/n)[n]: y
When You use auto mode switching on ZTE OLTs You need except changing configuration, also restart or reactivate ONT, below an example for ONT 3 connected to port 2: ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_1/1/2:3 ZXAN(config-if)#action deactive
When You use auto mode switching on FIBERHOME OLTs You need except changing configuration, also restart or reactivate ONT, below an example for ONT 9 connected to port 8: admin\onu# set pon_onoff slot 1 pon 8 onu 9 status off admin\onu# set pon_onoff slot 1 pon 8 onu 9 status on
When You use auto mode switching on CALIX OLTs You need except changing configuration, also restart or reactivate ONT.
When You use auto mode switching on ADTRAN OLTs You need except changing configuration, also restart or reactivate ONT, below an example for ONT 14 connected to port 1: interface virtual-gigabit-ethernet 14/0/1@1/6/1.gpon mac limit 8 shutdown
You have to use a “shutdown” for SFU mode and “no shutdown” for HGU mode.
When You use auto mode switching on ZYXEL OLTs You need except changing configuration, also restart or reactivate ONT, below an example for ONT 33 connected to port 2: OLT1404A(config)# remote ont ont-2-33 OLT1404A(config-ont)# inactive OLT1404A(config-ont)# no inactive
If You need to run ONT with proper mode (SFU or HGU) please use configuration for yours OLT from below table (remember to customize the configuration to your network, like VLANs and etc.)