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HL-2GRV HGU Configuration [HUAWEI]

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Service scenario

Document Date and version2022.04.13
Tested on OLT Huawei MA5683TVersion: MA5600V800R017C10
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-2GRVSupported on Version: V3.0.16 or above

ONT configuration

1. Triple Play (Internet, IPTV, VoIP)

ONT was connect to the GPON port 1 (slot 0) with ONU_ID 30

In example configuration we used below VLANs:
VLAN 200 – IPTV (multicast uplink port 0/7/0)
VLAN 300 – VoIP
VLAN 400 – MGMT 

1. Create DBA profile

MA5683T(config)#dba-profile add profile-id 17 profile-name "dba-profile_17" type4 max 1024000

2. Create ONT srvprofile

MA5683T(config)#ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 147 profile-name "HL-2GRV"
  ont-port pots 1 eth 2 catv 1
  igmp-forward translation 200
  multicast-forward tag transparent
  port vlan iphost translation 400 user-vlan 400

3. Create ONT lineprofile

MA5683T(config)#ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 147 profile-name "HL-2GRV"
  fec-upstream enable
  tcont 1 dba-profile-id 17
  tcont 2 dba-profile-id 17
  tcont 3 dba-profile-id 17
  tcont 4 dba-profile-id 17
  gem add 0 eth tcont 1
  gem add 1 eth tcont 2
  gem add 2 eth tcont 3
  gem add 3 eth tcont 4
  gem mapping 0 0 vlan 100
  gem mapping 1 1 vlan 200
  gem mapping 2 2 vlan 300
  gem mapping 3 3 vlan 400

4. Register ONT on GPON and configure ip-host 1

MA5683T(config)#interface gpon 0/0
MA5683T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont add 1 30 sn-auth "48414C4E206FFFE0" omci ont-lineprofile-id 147 ont-srvprofile-id 147 desc "HL-2GRV"
MA5683T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont ipconfig 1 30 dhcp vlan 400 priority 0

5. Create bbs-config

MA5683T(config)#service-port 110 vlan 100 gpon 0/0/1 ont 30 gemport 0 multi-service user-vlan 100 tag-transform translate
MA5683T(config)#service-port 111 vlan 200 gpon 0/0/1 ont 30 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 200 tag-transform translate
MA5683T(config)#service-port 112 vlan 300 gpon 0/0/1 ont 30 gemport 2 multi-service user-vlan 300 tag-transform translate
MA5683T(config)#service-port 114 vlan 400 gpon 0/0/1 ont 30 gemport 3 multi-service user-vlan 400 tag-transform translate

6. Create btv-config

MA5683T(config-btv)#igmp user add service-port 111 no-auth
MA5683T(config-btv)#multicast-vlan 200
  igmp default uplink-port 0/7/0
  igmp query-proxy disable
  igmp version v2
  igmp match mode disable
  igmp multicast-vlan member service-port 111
  igmp mode snooping
  igmp uplink-port 0/7/0
MA5683T(config)#default-policy service-port multicast-unknown transparent

7. Verify ONT ip-host 1 IP address

MA5683T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#display ont ipconfig PORT-ID ONT-ID
  ONT IP host index        : 0
  ONT config type          : DHCP
  ONT IP                   :
  ONT subnet mask          :
  ONT gateway              :
  ONT primary DNS          :
  ONT slave DNS            :
  ONT MAC                  : E05A-9F6F-FF98
  ONT manage VLAN          : 400
  ONT manage priority      : 0
  Dscp mapping table index : 0

2. Triple Play with VLAN Translation (Internet, IPTV, VoIP)

ONT was connect to the GPON port 1 (slot 0) with ONU_ID 31

In example configuration we used below VLANs:
VLAN 100 –> VLAN 31
VLAN 200 –> VLAN 32
VLAN 300–> VLAN 33
VLAN 400 –> VLAN 34
*Translation supported since firmware version V3.0.12.

1. Create DBA profile

MA5683T(config)#dba-profile add profile-id 17 profile-name "dba-profile_17" type4 max 1024000

2. Create ONT srvprofile

MA5683T(config)#ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 148 profile-name "HL-2GRV_HGU_TRANSLATION"
  ont-port pots 1 eth 2 catv 1
  igmp-forward translation 200
  multicast-forward tag translation 32
  port vlan iphost translation 400 user-vlan 34

3. Create ONT lineprofile

MA5683T(config)#ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 148 profile-name "HL-2GRV_HGU_TRANSLATION"
  fec-upstream enable
  tcont 1 dba-profile-id 17
  tcont 2 dba-profile-id 17
  tcont 3 dba-profile-id 17
  tcont 4 dba-profile-id 17
  gem add 0 eth tcont 1
  gem add 1 eth tcont 2
  gem add 2 eth tcont 3
  gem add 3 eth tcont 4
  gem mapping 0 0 vlan 31
  gem mapping 1 1 vlan 32
  gem mapping 2 2 vlan 33
  gem mapping 3 3 vlan 34

4. Register ONT on GPON and configure ip-host 1

MA5683T(config)#interface gpon 0/0
MA5683T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont add 1 31 sn-auth "48414C4E206FFFE0" omci ont-lineprofile-id 148 ont-srvprofile-id 148 desc "HL-2GRV_HGU_TRANSLATION"
MA5683T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont ipconfig 1 31 dhcp vlan 34 priority 0

5. Create bbs-config

MA5683T(config)#service-port 115 vlan 100 gpon 0/0/1 ont 31 gemport 0 multi-service user-vlan 31 tag-transform translate
MA5683T(config)#service-port 116 vlan 200 gpon 0/0/1 ont 31 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 32 tag-transform translate
MA5683T(config)#service-port 117 vlan 300 gpon 0/0/1 ont 31 gemport 2 multi-service user-vlan 33 tag-transform translate
MA5683T(config)#service-port 118 vlan 400 gpon 0/0/1 ont 31 gemport 3 multi-service user-vlan 34 tag-transform translate

6. Create btv-config

MA5683T(config-btv)#igmp user add service-port 116 no-auth
MA5683T(config-btv)#multicast-vlan 200
  igmp default uplink-port 0/7/0
  igmp query-proxy disable
  igmp version v2
  igmp match mode disable
  igmp multicast-vlan member service-port 116
  igmp mode snooping
  igmp uplink-port 0/7/0
MA5683T(config)#default-policy service-port multicast-unknown transparent

7. Verify ONT ip-host 1 IP address

MA5683T(config-if-gpon-0/0)#display ont ipconfig PORT-ID ONT-ID
  ONT IP host index        : 0
  ONT config type          : DHCP
  ONT IP                   :
  ONT subnet mask          :
  ONT gateway              :
  ONT primary DNS          :
  ONT slave DNS            :
  ONT MAC                  : E05A-9F6F-FF98
  ONT manage VLAN          : 400
  ONT manage priority      : 0
  Dscp mapping table index : 0

ONT HL-2GRV HGU Provisioning on HUAWEI MA5683T

There are three ways of ONT provisioning:

  • DHCP option 66,67 (link)
  • Huawei XML provisioning (link)
  • TR-069(link)


HL-2GRV HGU can be upgrade the same way as other HALNy ONTs, You can find upgrade procedure here.

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