HALNy HL-1GE / HL-1GE2 / HL-1GC / HL-1GR / HL-1B HGU Configuration [DASAN]

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HALNy HL-1GE Configuration

Service scenario

HL-1GE / HL-1GE2 / HL-1GC / HL-1GR / HL-1B can work in two modes – HGU (Home Gateway Unit) and SFU (Single Family Unit).
SFU mode configuration is presented here.
Managing ONT mode is done by setting up/or not bridge port and VEIP for ONT. In example, if ONT has to be working as HGU, we need to set only VEIP. If as SFU, we need to set bridge port(s) and VEIP(only if we want to use ip-host).
SFU mode allows to prepare more complex configuration – such as QinQ tunnel or VLAN translation on the ONT. In this tutorial we will focus on HGU mode configuration.

ONT modes switching HGU<->SFU

Switching between HGU and SFU modes is described here.

Document Date and version2020.05.29
Tested on OLT DASAN V5808Version: 1.04-0050
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1GE / HL-1GE2 / HL-1GC / HL-1GRSupported on Version: V2.0.10 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1BSupported on Version: V4.0.4 or above
Let us know how to improve below document on: support@halny.com

Supported service scenarios

1. ONT Configuration (Access mode, only INTERNET)

ONT was connect to the GPON port 2 with ONU_ID 13

1. Create DBA Profile

V5808(gpon)#dba-profile DBA create
  mode sr
  sla fixed 1024
  sla maximum 1031616

2. MGMT VLAN configuration

V5808(gpon)#extended-vlan-tagging-operation MGMT create
  downstream-mode enable
  untagged-frame 1
  treat inner vid 400 cos 0 tpid 0x8100

3. ONU traffic-profile configuration

V5808(gpon)#traffic-profile HL-1GE create
  tcont 1
  gemport 1/1
  dba-profile DBA
  tcont 2
  gemport 2/1
  dba-profile DBA
  mapper 1
  gemport count 1
  mapper 2
  gemport count 1
  bridge 1
  ani mapper 1
  uni virtual-eth 1
  bridge 2
  ani mapper 2
  link ip-host-config 1
  ip-host-config 1
  ip address dhcp
  extended-vlan-tagging-operation MGMT

4. ONU onu-profile configuration

V5808(gpon)#onu-profile HL-1GE create
  traffic-profile HL-1GE

5. Assign onu-profile to ONT

V5808(config-gpon-olt-[2])#onu-profile 13 HL-1GE

6. Verify ONT ip-host 1 IP address

V5808(config-gpon-olt-[2])#show onu ip-host 13
OLT : 2, ONU : 13, Host : 1(0x0000)
IP Option : DHCP
MAC Address : e0:5a:9f:60:46:78
Current IP :
Current Mask :
Current Gateway :
Current Primary DNS :
Current Secondary DNS :
Domain name        :
Host name         :

2. ONT Configuration (Access mode, only IPTV)

ONT was connect to the GPON port 2 with ONU_ID 14

1. Create DBA Profile

V5808(gpon)#dba-profile DBA create
  mode sr
  sla fixed 1024
  sla maximum 1031616

2. Create multicast-profile

V5808(gpon)#multicast-profile MULTI create
  igmp robustness-variable 7
  igmp access-list vid 200 dst-ip start end bw 4294952 gem 4094

3. MGMT VLAN configuration

V5808(gpon)#extended-vlan-tagging-operation MGMT create
  downstream-mode enable
  untagged-frame 1
  treat inner vid 400 cos 0 tpid 0x8100

4. ONU traffic-profile configuration

V5808(gpon)#traffic-profile HL-1GE_MULTI create
  tcont 1
  gemport 1/1
  dba-profile DBA
  tcont 2
  gemport 2/1
  dba-profile DBA
  mapper 1
  gemport count 1
  mapper 2
  gemport count 1
  bridge 1
  ani mapper 1
  uni virtual-eth 1
  multicast-profile MULTI
  bridge 2
  ani mapper 2
  link ip-host-config 1
  ip-host-config 1
  ip address dhcp
  extended-vlan-tagging-operation MGMT

5. ONU onu-profile configuration

V5808(gpon)#onu-profile HL-1GE_MULTI create
  traffic-profile HL-1GE_MULTI

6. Assign onu-profile to ONT

V5808(config-gpon-olt-[2])#onu-profile 14 HL-1GE_MULTI

7. Verify ONT ip-host 1 IP address

V5808(config-gpon-olt-[2])#show onu ip-host 14
OLT : 2, ONU : 14, Host : 1(0x0000)
IP Option : DHCP
MAC Address : e0:5a:9f:60:46:78
Current IP :
Current Mask :
Current Gateway :
Current Primary DNS :
Current Secondary DNS :
Domain name        :
Host name         :

ONT HL-1GE / HL-1GE2 / HL-1GC / HL-1GR / HL-1B HGU Provisioning on DASAN V5808

There are three ways of ONT provisioning:

  • DHCP option 66,67 (link)
  • TR-069(link)


Configuration of ONT Provisioning in onu-profile.

V5808(gpon)#onu-profile HL-1GE create
 traffic-profile HL-1GE
 mgmt-mode mode ip-path
 mgmt-mode ip-path ftp id USERNAME password PASSWORD
 mgmt-mode ip-path uri IP.IP.IP.IP file FILE_NAME or none

Configuration of ONT Provisioning on GPON port.

V5808(config-gpon-olt-[2])#onu mgmt-mode ip-path ONU_ID ftp id USERNAME password PASSWORD
V5808(config-gpon-olt-[2])#onu mgmt-mode ip-path ONU_ID uri IP.IP.IP.IP file FILE_NAME or none

* On Dasan OLTs if you configure provisioning with file none ””, it means that ONT will find xml file on FTP server with file name of its GPON S/N numer.

Verifying if xml is downloaded successfully.

SWITCH(config-gpon-olt[2])# show onu mgmt ip-path 14
OLT : 2, ONU : 14
ID :
STATE : File transfer completed successfully

After ONT downloaded XML file and set configuration , it keeps configuration in memory until new XML file will be applied.

When ONT starts to download XML file:
1) MGMT IP-PATH configuration will be changed (filename /FTP credits /FTP url)
2) Interface on ip-host will get DHCP ACK
3) Configuration of static ip-host interface will be changed

When configured ONT downloads XML file first of all it checks
XML file name if filename differs , new configuration is applied and ONT reboots
Modificated date if filename is the same then ONT checks if modificated date differs . If differs then new configuration is applied and ONT reboots
No differs if filename and modificated date are the same ONT keeps current configuration

ONT HL-1GE / HL-1GE2 / HL-1GC / HL-1GR / HL-1B HGU upgrade on DASAN OLTs

HL-1GE / HL-1GE2 / HL-1GC / HL-1GR / HL-1B can be upgraded the same way as other HALNy ONTs, You can find upgrade procedure here.

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