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Router WAN concept (MGMT/WAN1)

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Router default WAN0 (MGMT) settings


  • WAN0 is always available
  • DHCP client
  • No possibility to change from “useradmin” account
  • Used for management, monitoring (WWW, SSH, SNMP, REST-API) and provisioning (DHCP, TR-069)
  • default tag VLAN 3890

All above settings are related to HALNY routers (HLE-3GM, HLE-3GX-F, HLE-4GMV) and ONT with etherWAN mode.

Router default WAN1 (service) settings


  • DHCP client
  • default untagged
  • NAT enabled
  • mapped to ETH1-3 and Wi-Fi 2.4Ghz (first SSID) and 5Ghz (first SSID)

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