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ONT HALNy Upgrade on ZYXEL OLT1404A/OLT1408A

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Document Date and version2020.11.12
Tested on ZYXEL OTL1404A/OLT1408AVersion: V4.02(ABJB.3)C0_200904
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1G/HL-GSFPSupported on Version: 1.0.8 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1GE, HL-4G, HL-4GMVSupported on Version: V2.0.10 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-4GMV2, HL-4GMV3, HL-4GMV4, HL-4GXV, HL-4GXV-F, HL-4GMVR, HL-2GRV, HL-4GQV, HL-4GQVSSupported on Version: V3.0.3 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1B, HL-2BV, HL-4G2Supported on Version: V4.0.8 or above
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Upgrade procedure on ZYXEL OLT1404A/OLT1408A

1. Prepare FTP server and put tar.gz archive on it. Make sure FTP Server is available from OLT

Here is description how archive file should be created.

2. Set credentials access to FTP server and name (can not be longer than 32 letters) of firmware file

(config)# ont-fw-upgrade model HL-4GMV ftp username user password Dasan5824 file G_ONU_HL-4GMV_V2-0-16-enc.bin fw-id V2.0.16

3. Set auto-reboot time

(config)# ont-fw-upgrade auto-reboot active HL-4GMV

4. Turn on ont-fw-upgrade function

(config)# ont-fw-upgrade schedule start permanent

5. Check upgrade status

# show ont-fw-upgrade status
| Upgrade taskstatus : Idle|
| ONT in queuecount: 0 |
| ONT upgradefailedcount: 0 |
| ONT upgradesuccessfulcount: 1 |
| ONT rebootsuccessfulcount: 2 |
| Aid | Status | Aid | Status | Aid | Status |
| ont-1-3 | Dlsuccessfully| ont-1-1 | Matched| ont-1-2 | Matched|

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