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HL-4GQVS / HL-4GQVS2 / HL-4GMV3 / HL-4GMV4 / HL-4GMVR / HL-4GXV / HL-4GXV-F Configuration [DASAN V1-16XC]
HL-4GQVS Configuration
Service scenario
Document Date and version | 2024.01.17 |
Tested on OLT DASAN V1-16XC | Version: R5.03-028 |
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-4GQVS / HL-4GQVS2 | Supported on Version: V3.1.29p1/V3.2.40p2 or above |
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-4GMV3 | Supported on Version: V3.1.29p1/V3.2.40p2 or above |
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-4GMV4 | Supported on Version: V3.1.29p1/V3.2.40p2 or above |
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-4GMVR | Supported on Version: V3.1.29p1/V3.2.40p2 or above |
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-4GXV | Supported on Version: V3.1.29p1/V3.2.40p2 or above |
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-4GXV-F | Supported on Version: V3.1.29p1/V3.2.40p2 or above |
Revision | 1 |
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ONT Configuration
GPON port configuration
1. Define OLT vlan-flow
olt vlan-flow 1 s-vid 400 tpid 0x8100 mac-lookup
olt vlan-flow 2 s-vid 100 tpid 0x8100 mac-lookup
olt vlan-flow 3 s-vid 200 tpid 0x8100 mac-lookup
olt vlan-flow 4 s-vid 300 tpid 0x8100 mac-lookup
2. Add OLT vp to new ONT (You need to add next OLT vp’s for every ONT piece) based on defined OLT vlan-flow
olt vp 1 vlan-flow 1 s-vid 400 mapping-onu 5 gemport 2/1
olt vp 2 vlan-flow 2 c-vid 100 mapping-onu 5 gemport 1/7
olt vp 3 vlan-flow 3 c-vid 200 mapping-onu 5 gemport 1/6
olt vp 4 vlan-flow 4 c-vid 300 mapping-onu 5 gemport 1/1
1. Triple Play (Internet, IPTV, VoIP)
ONT was connect to the GPON port 1 with ONU_ID 5
1. Create DBA Profile
V1-16XC(config-if[gpon0/1])# dba-profile DBA
mode sr
sla fixed 1024
sla maximum 1031616
2. Create multicast-profile
V1-16XC(config)# multicast-profile MULTI
igmp robustness-variable 7
igmp access-list vid 200 dst-ip start end bw 4294952 gem 4094
3. MGMT VLAN configuration
V1-16XC(config)# extended-vlan-tagging-operation MGMT
downstream-mode enable
untagged-frame 1
treat inner vid 400 cos 0 tpid 0x8100
4. ONU traffic-profile configuration
V1-16XC(config)# traffic-profile HL-4GXV-F
tcont 1
gemport 1/1-1/8
dba-profile DBA
tcont 2
gemport 2/1
dba-profile DBA
mapper 1
gemport count 8
mapper 2
gemport count 1
bridge 1
ani mapper 1
uni virtual-eth 1
multicast-profile MULTI
bridge 2
ani mapper 2
link ip-host-config 1
ip-host-config 1
ip address dhcp
extended-vlan-tagging-operation MGMT
5. ONU onu-profile configuration
V1-16XC(config)# onu-profile HL-4GXV-F
traffic-profile HL-4GXV-F
6. Assigning onu-profile to ONT
V1-16XC(config-if[gpon0/1])# onu-profile 5 HL-4GXV-F
7. Verify ONT ip-host 1 IP address
V1-16XC(config-if[gpon0/1])# show onu ip-host 5
OLT : gpon0/1, ONU : 5, Host : 1(0x0000)
IP Option : DHCP
MAC Address : e05a.9f6f.99b0
Current IP :
Current Mask :
Current Gateway :
Current Primary DNS :
Current Secondary DNS :
Domain name :
Host name : IPHOST: WWW/XML/TR069
ONT HL-4GQVS / HL-4GQVS2 / HL-4GMV3 / HL-4GMV4 / HL-4GMVR / HL-4GXV / HL-4GXV-F Provisioning on DASAN V1-16XC
There are three ways of ONT provisioning:
Configuration of ONT Provisioning in onu-profile.
onu-profile HL-4GXV-F
traffic-profile HL-4GXV-F
mgmt-mode mode ip-path
mgmt-mode ip-path ftp id USERNAME password PASSWORD
mgmt-mode ip-path uri IP.IP.IP.IP file FILE_NAME or none
Configuration of ONT Provisioning on GPON port.
onu mgmt-mode ip-path ONU_ID ftp id USERNAME password PASSWORD
onu mgmt-mode ip-path ONU_ID uri IP.IP.IP.IP file FILE_NAME or none
* On Dasan OLTs if you configure provisioning with file none ””, it means that ONT will find xml file on FTP server with file name of its GPON S/N numer.
Verifying if xml is downloaded successfully.
V5808(config-gpon-olt[2])#show onu mgmt ip-path 5
OLT : 1, ONU : 5
ID :
STATE : File transfer completed successfully
After ONT downloaded XML file and set configuration , it keeps configuration in memory until new XML file will be applied.
ONT starts to download XML file when:
1) MGMT IP-PATH configuration will be changed (filename /FTP credentials /FTP url)
2) Interface on ip-host will get DHCP ACK
3) Configuration of static ip-host interface will be changed
When configured ONT downloads XML file first of all it checks
• XML file name if filename differs , new configuration is applied and ONT reboots
• Modificated date if filename is the same then ONT checks if modificated date differs . If differs then new configuration is applied and ONT reboots
• No differs if filename and modificated date are the same – ONT keeps current configuration
ONT HL-4GQVS / HL-4GQVS2 / HL-4GMV3 / HL-4GMV4 / HL-4GMVR / HL-4GXV / HL-4GXV-F upgrade on DASAN OLTs
HL-4GQVS / HL-4GQVS2 / HL-4GMV3 / HL-4GMV4 / HL-4GMVR / HL-4GXV / HL-4GXV-F can be upgrade the same way as other HALNy ONTs, You can find upgrade procedure here.