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HALNy HL GSFP (GPON Stick) – size does not matter

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HALNY GSFP is a one port GPON ONT hidden in an SFP transceiver and called GPON STICK.
It can act as GPON Demarcation Device and is designed to provide access to FTTH networks for Business and residential use.
GPON STICK uses a single fiber to connect individual houses and businesses to the network for broadband services up to 2.5-gigabit speed.
It can be used in any network device which has an SFP port – like media converter, Ethernet switch, router or CPE.

With an extended working temperature rate from -40 up to + 85 Celsius degree, we can use it also on smart city devices, CCTV cameras, Mobile, WiMAX or 5G stations.
GPON STICK complies with current ITU-T standards for gigabit passive optical networks (GPONs).
The network interface is compliant with ITU-T G.984.5 to provide 2.5 Gb/s downstream and 1.25 Gb/s upstream speeds.

One of the biggest advantages of this product is interoperability, which gives a possibility to use this module with different OLT vendors.

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