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HALNy HL-1GE SFU Configuration [UPLINK]

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HALNy HL-1GE Configuration

Service scenario

HL-1GE can work in two modes – HGU (Home Gateway Unit) and SFU (Single Family Unit).
HGU mode configuration is presented here.
Managing ONT mode is done by setting up/or not bridge port and VEIP for ONT. In SFU mode we need to set bridge port.
SFU mode allows to prepare different configurations – such as access or transparent mode. In this tutorial we will focus on SFU mode configuration.

ONT modes switching HGU<->SFU

Switching between HGU and SFU modes is described here.

Document Date and version2021.03.19
Tested on OLT UPLINK GP8862V2.0.7R
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1GESupported on Version: V2.0.19 or above
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Supported SFU service scenarios

1. ONT configuration (Access mode, only INTERNET)

ONT was connect to the GPON port 2 with ONU_ID 3

1. Create DBA Profile

UPLGP8862(config)# profile dba
profile_id:2 create success
UPLGP8862(profile-dba:2)# type 4 maximum 1024000
UPLGP8862(profile-dba:2)# commit

2. Create onu profile

UPLGP8862(config)# profile onu name HL-1GE
UPLGP8862(profile-onu:2)# tcont-num 2 gemport-num 2
UPLGP8862(profile-onu:2)# port-num eth 1 veip 1
UPLGP8862(profile-onu:2)# commit

3. Create srv profile

UPLGP8862(config)# profile srv name HL-1GE_INT
UPLGP8862(profile-srv:2)# portvlan eth 1 mode tag vlan 100
UPLGP8862(profile-srv:2)# iphost 1 dhcp
UPLGP8862(profile-srv:2)# commit

4. Create line profile

UPLGP8862(config)# profile line name HL-1GE_INT
UPLGP8862(profile-line:3)# tcont 1 dba dba_profile_2
UPLGP8862(profile-line:3)# gemport 1 tcont 1
UPLGP8862(profile-line:3)# service Internet gemport 1 vlan 100 ethuni 1
UPLGP8862(profile-line:3)# service-port 1 gemport 1 uservlan 100 vlan 100
UPLGP8862(profile-line:3)# tcont 2 dba dba_profile_2
UPLGP8862(profile-line:3)# gemport 2 tcont 2
UPLGP8862(profile-line:3)# service 2 gemport 2 vlan 500 iphost 1
UPLGP8862(profile-line:3)# service-port 2 gemport 2 uservlan 500 vlan 500
UPLGP8862(profile-line:3)# commit

5. Register ONT

UPLGP8862(config-pon-0/2)# onu add 3 profile HL-1GE sn HALN08604710

6. Set ONT configuration

UPLGP8862(config-pon-0/2)# onu 3 profile srv name HL-1GE_INT
UPLGP8862(config-pon-0/2)# onu 3 profile line name HL-1GE_INT

7. Check ONT state

UPLGP8862(config-pon-0/2)# show onu state 3
OnuIndex    Admin State    OMCC State    Phase State    Channel
1/1/2:3     enable         enable        working        1(GPON)

2. ONT configuration (Access mode, only IPTV)

ONT was connect to the GPON port 2 with ONU_ID 4

1. Create DBA Profile

UPLGP8862(config)# profile dba
profile_id:2 create success
UPLGP8862(profile-dba:2)# type 4 maximum 1024000
UPLGP8862(profile-dba:2)# commit

2. Create onu profile

UPLGP8862(config)# profile onu name HL-1GE
UPLGP8862(profile-onu:2)# tcont-num 2 gemport-num 2
UPLGP8862(profile-onu:2)# port-num eth 1 veip 1
UPLGP8862(profile-onu:2)# commit

3. Create srv profile

UPLGP8862(config)# profile srv name HL-1GE_IPTV
UPLGP8862(profile-srv:3)# portvlan eth 1 mode tag vlan 200
UPLGP8862(profile-srv:3)# iphost 1 dhcp
UPLGP8862(profile-srv:3)# commit

4. Create line profile

UPLGP8862(config)# profile line name HL-1GE_IPTV
UPLGP8862(profile-line:4)# tcont 1 dba dba_profile_2
UPLGP8862(profile-line:4)# gemport 1 tcont 1
UPLGP8862(profile-line:4)# service Internet gemport 1 vlan 200 ethuni 1
UPLGP8862(profile-line:4)# service-port 1 gemport 1 uservlan 200 vlan 200
UPLGP8862(profile-line:4)# tcont 2 dba dba_profile_2
UPLGP8862(profile-line:4)# gemport 2 tcont 2
UPLGP8862(profile-line:4)# service 2 gemport 2 vlan 500 iphost 1
UPLGP8862(profile-line:4)# service-port 2 gemport 2 uservlan 500 vlan 500
UPLGP8862(profile-line:4)# commit

5. Register ONT

UPLGP8862(config-pon-0/2)# onu add 4 profile HL-1GE sn HALN08604710

6. Set ONT configuration

UPLGP8862(config-pon-0/2)# onu 4 profile srv name HL-1GE_IPTV
UPLGP8862(config-pon-0/2)# onu 4 profile line name HL-1GE_IPTV

7. Check ONT state

UPLGP8862(config-pon-0/2)# show onu state 4
OnuIndex    Admin State    OMCC State    Phase State    Channel
1/1/2:4     enable         enable        working        1(GPON)

3. ONT configuration (TRANSPARENT)

ONT was connect to the GPON port 2 with ONU_ID 5

1. Create DBA Profile

UPLGP8862(config)# profile dba
profile_id:2 create success
UPLGP8862(profile-dba:2)# type 4 maximum 1024000
UPLGP8862(profile-dba:2)# commit

2. Create onu profile

UPLGP8862(config)# profile onu name HL-1GE
UPLGP8862(profile-onu:2)# tcont-num 2 gemport-num 2
UPLGP8862(profile-onu:2)# port-num eth 1 veip 1
UPLGP8862(profile-onu:2)# commit

3. Create srv profile

UPLGP8862(config)# profile srv name HL-1GE_TRANS
UPLGP8862(profile-srv:4)# portvlan eth 1 mode transparent
UPLGP8862(profile-srv:4)# iphost 1 dhcp
UPLGP8862(profile-srv:4)# commit

4. Create line profile

UPLGP8862(config)# profile line name HL-1GE_TRANS
UPLGP8862(profile-line:5)# tcont 1 dba dba_profile_2
UPLGP8862(profile-line:5)# gemport 1 tcont 1
UPLGP8862(profile-line:5)# service Internet gemport 1 vlan 400 ethuni 1
UPLGP8862(profile-line:5)# service-port 1 gemport 1 uservlan 400 transparent
UPLGP8862(profile-line:5)# tcont 2 dba dba_profile_2
UPLGP8862(profile-line:5)# gemport 2 tcont 2
UPLGP8862(profile-line:5)# service Internet gemport 2 vlan 200 ethuni 1
UPLGP8862(profile-line:5)# service-port 2 gemport 2 uservlan 200 transparent
UPLGP8862(profile-line:5)# commit

5. Register ONT

UPLGP8862(config-pon-0/2)# onu add 5 profile HL-1GE_SFU sn HALN08604710

6. Set ONT configuration

UPLGP8862(config-pon-0/2)# onu 5 profile srv name HL-1GE_TRANS
UPLGP8862(config-pon-0/2)# onu 5 profile line name HL-1GE_TRANS

7. Check ONT state

UPLGP8862(config-pon-0/2)# show onu state 5
OnuIndex    Admin State    OMCC State    Phase State    Channel
1/1/2:5     enable         enable        working        1(GPON)
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