Proven scope of expertise on all fronts

Quality is born in attention to detail

Our Quality Department through monitoring critical parameters in the entire manufacturing process from the supervision of suppliers and delivery of raw materials to the customer satisfaction and analysis of the complaints reported, the quality objective is achieved.

ISO 9001: 2015
Quality Management Certificate

It is recognized and worldwide accepted certificate which proves the ability of our company to meet the quality requirements and enhance customer satisfaction in supplier-customer relationship.

ISO 14001:2015
Environmental management systems

This certificate confirms that company operates with respect for the natural environment in all areas of its activity, prevents pollution and pursues to achieve its environmental objectives.

ISO 45001:2018
Health and safety Certificate

The certificate is confirmation of the highest standards of health and safety management at our company.

Our extensive experience with the tools and equipment at hand ensures that we deliver results that meet the highest standards and expectations.

Other certificates