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ONT HALNy Upgrade on ZTE C320 V2.1.0

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Document Date and version2020.05.29
Tested on OLT ZTE C320Version: V2.1.0
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1G/HL-GSFPSupported on Version: V1.0.8 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1GE, HL-4GMV, HL-4GSupported on Version: V2.0.10 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-2GRV, HL-4GQV, HL-4GQVS, HL-4GQVS2, HL-4GXV, HL-4GXV-F, HL-4GMV2, HL-4GMV2, HL-4GMV3, HL-4GMV4, HL-4GMVRSupported on Version: V3.0.3 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1B, HL-2BV, HL-4G2Supported on Version: V4.0.5 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-4BX3V-F, HL-4GX3VRSupported on Version: V5.0.8 or above
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Upgrade Procedure

1. FTP server configuration

(config)# file-server boot-server ftp ipaddress ip.ip.ip.ip user USER password PASSWD

# file download version-ru firmware.bin

2. Download firmware directly from FTP server

# file download version-ru firmware.bin ftp ipaddress ip.ip.ip.ip user USER password PASSWD

3. Check is there firmware in firmware list

show file version-ru

4. Manual upgrade a specific ONT

4.1 Upgrade with commit and immediately reboot

# remote-unit update-and-reboot firmware.bin gpon-olt_RACK_ID/SHELF_ID/OLT-ID ONU_ID
#(Optional) remote-unit update-and-reboot firmware.bin gpon-olt_RACK_ID/SHELF_ID/OLT-ID ONU_ID remote ftp ipaddress ip.ip.ip.ip user USER password PASSWD

4.2 Upgrade with commit

# remote-unit update-commit firmware.bin gpon-olt_RACK_ID/SHELF_ID/OLT-ID ONU_ID
#(Optional) remote-unit update-commit firmware.bin gpon-olt_RACK_ID/SHELF_ID/OLT-ID ONU_ID remote ftp ipaddress ip.ip.ip.ip user USER password PASSWD

5. Verify ONT upgrade status

show remote-unit update-status gpon-olt_RACK_ID/SHELF_ID/OLT-ID ONU_ID
gpon-onu_1/2/2: 1
Taskname   : Manual
Action     : Update-commit
Status     : Success
Progress   : 100%
Failreason : None
Committime : 2019-12-07 15:36:14

6. Verify ONT firmware information

show remote-unit information gpon-olt_RACK_ID/SHELF_ID/OLT-ID ONU_ID
CpeType       : HL-4GQV
Region 1
Vertag        : V3.0.3
Commited      : No
Activated     : Yes
Valid         : Yes
Region 2
Vertag        : V3.0.2
Commited      : Yes
Activated     : No
Valid         : Yes

Auto-Upgrade Procedure

(config)# remote-unit task TASK_NAME
service-type Gpon
equipment-type EQUIPMENT_NAME
vendor-name NAME
match-vertag Below VERSION
range port ne || gpon-olt_x/x/x
mode Online || Offline || Both
action Update-and-reboot
version-file FILENAME
parallel-limitation 64
task add


ZXAN(config)# remote-unit task HL-4GMV
service-type Gpon
equipment-type HL-4GMV
vendor-name HWTC
match-vertag Below V2.0.17
range port ne
mode Online 
action Update-and-reboot
version-file G_ONU_HL-4GMV_V2-0-17_001-enc.bin
parallel-limitation 64
task add
ZXAN(config)# show remote-unit task
Taskname   : HL-4GMV
Status     : Finished         VerFile      : G_ONU_HL-4GMV_V2-0-17_001-enc.bin
ImageSize  : 3407880          EquType      : HL-4GMV
ServiceType: Gpon             VendorName   : HWTC
Mode       : Online           VerBase      : V2.0.17
ImgLocation: Local            Rule         : Below
Limitation:  64               Action       : Update-and-reboot
RangeType  : Port

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