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ONT HALNy Upgrade on NOKIA 7360

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Document Date and version2021.01.11
Tested on OLT NOKIA 7360Version: L6GPAA56.587
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1G/HL-GSFPSupported on Version: V1.0.8 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1GE, HL-4GMV, HL-4GSupported on Version: V2.0.10 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-2GRV, HL-4GQV, HL-4GQVS, HL-4GQVS2, HL-4GXV, HL-4GXV-F, HL-4GMV2, HL-4GMV2, HL-4GMV3, HL-4GMV4, HL-4GMVRSupported on Version: V3.0.3 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1B, HL-2BV, HL-4G2Supported on Version: V4.0.5 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-4BX3V-F, HL-4GX3VRSupported on Version: V5.0.8 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HLX-TGVSupported on Version: V6.0.3 or above
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Upgrade procedure on NOKIA 7360 OLT

Please note that OLT NOKIA needs to have firmware file name the same as firmware version. So if we share the same version for different ONT model, it means that You can upload to OLT only one file (for V2.0.17, we need to upload a file to OLT with the same name so V2.0.17)
This is why we generate the same firmware release but with only a different version.
Example: V2.0.17 released, for NOKIA we have also:

HL-1GE – V2.0.x_1 (_1 is always for this model) – V2.0.17_1
HL-4G – V2.0.x_2 (_2 is always for this model) – V2.0.17_2
HL-4GMV – V2.0.x_3 (_3 is always for this model) – V2.0.17_3

The same approach is used for new ONT series.
Example: V3.0.20 released, for NOKIA we have also:
HL-2GRV – V3.0.x_1 (_1 is always for this model) – V3.0.20_1
HL-4GQV – V3.0.x_2 (_2 is always for this model) – V3.0.20_2
HL-4GQVS – V3.0.x_3 (_3 is always for this model) – V3.0.20_3
HL-4GMV2 – V3.0.x_4 (_4 is always for this model) – V3.0.20_4
HL-4GQVS2 – V3.0.x_5 (_5 is always for this model) – V3.0.20_5
HL-4GMVR – V3.0.x_6 (_6 is always for this model) – V3.0.20_6
HL-4GMV3 – V3.0.x_7 (_7 is always for this model) – V3.0.20_7
HL-4GMV4 – V3.0.x_8 (_8 is always for this model) – V3.0.20_8
HL-4GXV – V3.0.x_9 (_9 is always for this model) – V3.0.20_9
HL-4GXV-F – V3.0.x_10 (_10 is always for this model) – V3.0.20_10

For HL-2BV (firmware series V4.X.Y) and HLX-TG (firmware series V6.X.Y) ,the above rules do not apply.

1. Upload file with firmware to the OLT NT flash memory using TFTP. Remote File path must be exact like on screen below

2. Verify if firmware is stored in OLT NT flash memory
#show equipment ont sw-version

HINT: file name of sw-ver-pland  can not be longer than 14 characters

3. Add ONT with planed firmware version (for example. V2.0.17_1)
#configure equipment ont interface 1/1/1/1/13 sernum HALN:206FFF50 sw-ver-pland V2.0.17_1 sw-dnload-version V2.0.17_1 iphc-allowed enable admin-state up

Where string „V2.0.17_1 is exact version number of software alike filename uploaded to the OLT NT flash memory.

OLT will upgrade and reboot ONT,  then upload software V2.0.17_1 to passive memory bank. If you want to keep old firmware in passive memory bank, set sw-dnload-version to disabled:

#sw-dnload-version disabled

Optionally delete software file from NT flash:

#show equipment ont sw-version
#admin equipment ont sw-version delete-version V2.0.17_1

ONT HALNy auto-upgrade on ISAM 7360

1. Upload file with firmware to the OLT NT flash memory using TFTP. Remote File path must be exact like on screen below
2. Verify if firmware is stored in OLT NT flash memory
#show equipment ont sw-version

HINT: file name of sw-ver-pland  can not be longer than 14 characters

3. Add ONT with planed firmware version (auto)
#configure equipment ont interface 1/1/1/1/13 sernum HALN:206FFF50 sw-ver-pland auto sw-dnload-version auto iphc-allowed enable admin-state up
4. Configure auto-upgrade to exact firmware version
#configure equipment ont sw-ctrl 2 hw-version HL-4GMV_001 plnd-sw-version V2.0.17_1 plnd-sw-ver-conf V2.0.17_1

Value of hw-version can be found in output of this command:

#show equipment ont interface 1/1/1/1/13 detail

Where string „V2.0.17_1” is exact version number of software alike filename uploaded to OLT NT flash memory.

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