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HALNy HL-GSFP SFU Configuration [Adtran]

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HALNy HL-GSFP Configuration

Service scenario

HL-GSFP works only in SFU (bridge) mode. SFU mode allows to prepare different configurations – such as VLAN access INTERNET or IPTV.

ONT configuration

Document Date and version2023.02.09
Tested on OLT Adtram TA5004Version:  11-1-3-3
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-GSFPSupported on Version: V1.0.9 or above
Let us know how to improve below document on:

It is needed to enable IOP for OLT ZHONE from ONT’s LAN side – if You need it, please contact with us via e-mail:

Supported SFU service scenarios

1. ONT configuration (Access mode, bridge – INTERNET)

ONT was connect to the shelf 1, card 3, GPON port 2 with ONU_ID 3.

1. Create Internet EVC:

evc “100”
s-tag 100
connect men-port ten-gigabit-ethernet 1/B/1
no preserve-ce-vlan
no shutdown

2. Register ONT:

remote-device ont 3@1/3/2.gpon
  description "HL-GSFP"
  mac-spoofing-allowed enable
  serial-number "HALN101040eb"
  no shutdown

3. Enable interfaces:

interface gigabit-ethernet 3/0/1@1/3/2.gpon
  mac limit 8
  no shutdown

4. Configure ONT interface

evc-map "3/0/1@1/3/2.gpon" 1/3
  connect evc "400"
  connect uni gigabit-ethernet 3/0/1@1/3/2.gpon
  men-pri 0
  men-c-tag-pri 0
  no shutdown

5. Configure downstream shaper:

shaper "3@1/3/2.gpon" 1/3
  per remote-device 3@1/3/2.gpon queue 0
  rate 1000000
  no shutdown

6. Configure upstream shaper:

shaper "3@1/3/2.gpon-UP" 3@1/3/2.gpon
  per interface gpon 3/0/1@1/3/2.gpon channel 1
  rate 1200000
  gpon channel assured-bandwidth 2500
  gpon channel fixed-bandwidth 0
  no shutdown

2. ONT configuration (TRANSPARENT mode)

ONT was connect to the shelf 1, card 3, GPON port 2 with ONU_ID 3.

1. Create Internet EVC:

evc “100”
s-tag 100
connect men-port ten-gigabit-ethernet 1/B/1
no preserve-ce-vlan
no shutdown

2. Register ONT:

remote-device ont 3@1/3/2.gpon
  description "HL-GSFP"
  mac-spoofing-allowed enable
  serial-number "HALN101040eb"
  no shutdown

3. Enable interfaces:

interface gigabit-ethernet 3/0/1@1/3/2.gpon
  mac limit 8
  no shutdown

4. Configure ONT interface

evc-map "3/0/1@1/3/2.gpon" 1/3
  connect evc "400"
  connect uni gigabit-ethernet 3/0/1@1/3/2.gpon
  match ce-vlan-id 400
  men-pri 0
  men-c-tag-pri 0
  no shutdown

5. Configure downstream shaper

shaper "3@1/3/2.gpon" 1/3
  per remote-device 3@1/3/2.gpon queue 0
  rate 1000000
  no shutdown

6. Configure upstream shaper

shaper "3@1/3/2.gpon-UP" 3@1/3/2.gpon
  per interface gpon 3/0/1@1/3/2.gpon channel 1
  rate 1200000
  gpon channel assured-bandwidth 2500
  gpon channel fixed-bandwidth 0
  no shutdown

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