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Bridge Filter

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Document Date and version2021.02.22
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1GE/2, HL-1GC, HL-4G, HL-4GMVSupported on Version: V2.0.18 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-4GQV, HL-4GQVS/2, HL-4GXV/-F, HL-4GMV2/3/4Supported on Version: V3.0.12 or above
Tested with HALNy routers: HLE-3GM, HLE-3GX-FSupported on Version: V3.0.12 or above
Tested with ONT HALNy HL-1B, HL-2BV, HL-4G2Supported on Version: V4.0.4 or above
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This function allows you to filter packets based on type for WAN interfaces in bridge mode. You can for example block multicast or IPv6 packets to not be forwarded in upstream/downstream or both direction.

Whole configuration is easy and can be done through web interface or XML provisioning.

Function works only with interfaces in brige mode (HGU).

Web configuration

To configure this function go to Security -> Bridge Filter and choose the enable radio button. On the table below choose which type of packet do You want to filter and check the box for proper bridge interface (available here are only active bridge interfaces).

XML provisioning

To configure bridge filter through XML file, enter below attributes to section HALNyUniversalProvisioning -> HALNyConfiguration -> Other.


ENABLE_BRIDGE_FIREWALL – put YES to enable Bridge Filter
IPV6_UPSTREAM_BLOCKSTP_BPDU_DOWNSTREAM_BLOCK– enter WANX, where X is the number of WAN interface, You can set a couple of interfaces to one block rule, by separate them by “,” char – for example, to choose IPv6_UPSTREAM_Block rule for WAN1 and WAN2 interface enter :


STORMCONTROL_BLOCK – select interface which will be affected for storm control rules based on STORMCONTROL_MULTICAST or STORMCONTROL_BROADCAST configuration
In STORMCONTROL_LIMIT you configure the number of broadcast packets that be limited if You enable StormControl rule (this attribute is necessary if You set StormControl_Block). You can enter here only 64, 256,1024, or 4096 packets/s.
STORMCONTROL_MULTICAST and STORMCONTROL_BROADCAST – enable or disable ratelimit rules for specific type of traffic

Type of filtered traffic

IPv6 – each packet of IPv6 based on the protocol IPv6 ethertype
Multicast – each packet based on destination MAC pattern 01:00:5e:70:00:00
FlowControl – each packet based on destination MAC pattern 01:80:c2:00:00:01
each packet based on destination port UDP:137,138 and TCP 139,445
– controls number of a broadcast/multicast packets per second
– each packet based on destination MAC pattern 01:80:c2:00:00:00

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